Code Signing
Code Signing Tutorial__________________
maXbox Starter 118 — Get a code signing certificate and sign the Executable.
“The Sign of the Southern Cross — signtime.
Code Source: 1033_signtool_simplebatch_solution_mX4Cert_second64.txt
If you have a code base of a 64-bit Windows executable you can sign this Exe. Code signing is the process of digitally signing executables and scripts to confirm the software author and guarantee that the code has not been altered or corrupted since it was signed for the first time.
{ — — — — — — — — — — — — }
{- -} {- Tool> signtool sign /f certs/tcertificate4. p12 /p belplan /t -}
{- m85covid6.png -}
{-Done Adding Additional Store -}
SignTool Error: This file format cannot be signed because it is not recognized. SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to sign: {- m85covid6.png -}
{ — — — — — — — — — — — — }
As you can see, you can’t sign a png or jpg file, just exe, jar, js and bat and a few others. The *. p12 contains both the private and the public key, and also information about the owner (name, email, location, address, etc. ) all being certified by a third party. With such certificate, a user can identify himself and authenticate himself to any organization trusting the third party.
You should be able to see the content of the p12 file with
openssl pkcs12 -info -in filename.p12
provided openssl is installed in your system.
The executable is organised in a project-, a manifest- and a resource unit. This article will be the default article after the implementation of the new Minimum Requirements for Code Signing on February 1, 2017.
pic1: tutor118_signobjectscreen_6.png
You can either sign files out of a working directory, or you can place them in your Windows SDK\bin folder.
Source Organisation Steps
- Open the Command Prompt: Windows 7: Start > Run > cmd, or for Windows 8–10, press the Windows Key, then type cmd and press enter.
- Navigate to the directory with signtool.exe.
- Use the following command to sign your file:
- signtool sign /a /tr /td SHA256 /fd SHA256 c:/path/to/your/file.exe
- To verify the successful signature use the following commands: Authenticode: signtool verify /v /pa
Alternatively, you can batch that in a script:
TOOLPATH ='C:\maxbox\maxbox51\examples\signtool\';
//'from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe';
writeln(GETDOSOutput('signtool.exe sign /f'
+' certs/maxbox4exe.pfx /p '+PASSTOKENfromfile
//+' /t '+TOSIGNFILE
+' /tr
/td SHA256 /fd SHA256 '+TOSIGNFILE ,TOOLPATH));//}
Note: Timestamping your Code is extremely important and is highly recommended for every piece of code that you sign.
This timestamp will allow the file that you sign to remain valid long after the certificate itself has expired.
+' /tr
/td SHA256 /fd SHA256 ' +TOSIGNFILE ,TOOLPATH));
Enter your Token Password. If the signing is successful you will see a prompt informing you so for the signing process.
→ Done Adding Additional Store
- /tr– Specify an RFC 3161 compliant trusted time stamp server.*Recommended*
- /td SHA256- Must be called after “/tr”, this command specifies the TimeStamp digest Algorithm. *Recommended*
- /ac- Specify an Additional Certificate.
So for the verify of the sign get the latest revision of signtool with patches as from issues and it goes like this:
WinExec32(‘cmd /C signtool.exe verify /v /pa ‘+TOSIGNFILE+’ > signresult3445.txt’,1);
Verifying: PointInSpace5_64.exe
Signature Index: 0 (Primary Signature)
Hash of file (sha256):
Signing Certificate Chain:
Issued to: maXboxCertAuth
Issued by: maXboxCertAuth
Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
SHA1 hash: 6F83207B500DCC0E32A719599CBC6BD7E6B2A04D
Issued to: maXbox4signer
Issued by: maXboxCertAuth
Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
SHA1 hash: 6A89501B76D47C189A60BF1070BAA2FBFD38D7D7
Issued to: maXbox4exe
Issued by: maXbox4signer
Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
SHA1 hash: F0EB0CA218C5707FAC78921F81092CECA12AD0E9
The signature is timestamped: Tue Jan 02 19:31:40 2024
Timestamp Verified by:
Issued to: GlobalSign
Issued by: GlobalSign
Expires: Sun Dec 10 01:00:00 2034
SHA1 hash: 8094640EB5A7A1CA119C1FDDD59F810263A7FBD1
Issued to: GlobalSign Timestamping CA — SHA384 — G4
Issued by: GlobalSign
Expires: Sun Dec 10 01:00:00 2034
SHA1 hash: F585500925786F88E721D235240A2452AE3D23F9
Issued to: Globalsign TSA for CodeSign1 — R6
Issued by: GlobalSign Timestamping CA — SHA384 — G4
Expires: Sun May 08 08:45:38 2033
SHA1 hash: CA3E8CFD7CFD329A99359A9A38F86185F0B01C4A
Successfully verified: PointInSpace5_64.exe
Number of files successfully Verified: 1
Number of warnings: 0 Number of errors: 0
The interesting point is to know where the certificate with the hash is stored in the executable itself. Validate a PE certificate. Is the signature valid or not. It should work when signature is embedded in PE executable and when the signature is in a security catalog.
For example the exe maXbox5.exe with the hash:
SHA-1: ddf3fa4e3ccb0835082c8d8bbd9ddd98a5b5c7b5
SHA-256: da34199785ae5371e2cf8a23a12b68295f7c968ba0c8a24f367baf0c5f091439
The embedded cert can be found at the end of an executable as a PE layer, we can visualize such a structure of a PE executable, look at the blue section called overlay at the very end:
Pic2: tutor118_maxbox5_visualized_samplesections.png
In Delphi or maXbox, I can include a folder’s source code by adding it to the project Search Path or define as an include file, or adding it to the Library Path. The Search Path applies for the USignMatrix.pas only to the current project, while the Library Path applies to any project opened with the IDE.
From DetectItEasy
File size 59.92 MB (62832288 bytes)
X509 Certificates
Globalsign TSA for CodeSign1 — R6
GlobalSign Timestamping CA — SHA384 — G4
+' /tr /td SHA256 /fd SHA256 ' +TOSIGNFILE ,TOOLPATH)); //}
The Mystery of VirusTotal
Also please specify which certificate kind is the correct one. Most sites only mention “code signing” and talk about signing applications that are actually compiled by the user. This is actually the case for me. I got a last compile of this year 2023 for the multi-installer of Python4Delphi and as usual signed this with my code signing certificate as usual but VirusTotal showed 2 detections:
So what to do, checked the MSIL.Agent read something about misused code signing so I decided to test it without code signing and no flag this time, so it has to do with the signing process! (which is an extension of the underlaying Executable as overlay). I replaced the authenticode time stamp countersignature from digicert to globalsign an it worked with VirusTotal!:
VirusTotal — File — da34199785ae5371e2cf8a23a12b68295f7c968ba0c8a24f367baf0c5f091439
Pic3&4: tutor118_VTotal_secondtest.png
When we compare the sign part of VirusTotal in Details we can see that SHA-256 orders additionally use the R1-R3 Cross Certificate — default March 31, 2014 & after. (The R1-R3 Cross Certificate will need to be installed on the signing computer but not specified as an additional certificate during the signing procedure):
The old timestamp one X509 Certificates from DigiCert and the new one from GlobalSign:
How to install SignTool.exe for Windows 10 — Stack Overflow
Pic5: 8_mX5_64bitGUI2.png
To sign a Windows executable file, you will need a code signing certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA) like Verisign or a self signed certificate with OpenSSL of your own or instantssl.com1. Once you have the certificate, you can use Microsoft’s SignTool to sign your app. You can download SignTool as part of the Windows SDK1.
How to install SignTool.exe for Windows 10 — Stack Overflow
You download it as part of the Windows SDK. Note that it’s also possible to install SignTool without installing the entire SDK. Free Automated Malware Analysis Service — powered by Falcon Sandbox (
Once installed you can use SignTool from the command line or a script.
certificate — Signing a Windows EXE file — Stack Overflow
Compiled Project:
Free Automated Malware Analysis Service — powered by Falcon Sandbox (
Topic: certificate — Signing a Windows EXE file — Stack Overflow
How to install SignTool.exe for Windows 10 - Stack Overflow
Doc and Tool:
Max Kleiner 03/01/2024
PDF Version:
Distance to sphere 3 is 6.40300 (vs. measured 6.40300)
Distance to sphere 4 is 3.46390 (vs. measured 3.46400)
Originally published at on January 3, 2024.